The Smokerstore Taifun Scarab Pro 23mm is characterized by its relatively simple operation, which excludes the usual disadvantages of a mechanical on button, as it usually occurs in an unregulated mechanical battery carrier. The relatively high switch-on resistance and increased wear of the button at higher currents is eliminated in the Taifun Scarab Pro 23mm.
Through a patented new development of the magnetic-optical pushbutton, "Magneto" for short, Smokerstore has succeeded in developing a pushbutton which is not subject to wear and tear and which cannot be damaged by moisture. Due to its 23mm diameter, a variety of vaporizers can be used on the Taifun Scarab 23mm.
NOTE: In the Smokerstore Taifun Scarab 23mm only high-current capable batteries should be used, like the Sony VTC5A or the Samsung 25R. The Taifun Scarab is not suitable for beginners.