The Bridg'd is the first bridge for Wick'd's Billet Box and with this one they cover a wide range of steam. Because the Wick'd Bridg'd can be used for MTL as well as DL. Accordingly the RBA is supplied with two different chimneys (MTL with 1.5mm hole/DL with 4mm hole). The deck of the Bridg'd RBA offers space for both large and small coils and is designed in 2-post style. The positive post has a hole (2mm x 1.5mm), while the negative post has a horizontally open hole.
The Bridg'd from Wick'd has a Bottom Airflow, which means that the air flows from below directly onto the coil. This is also one of the special features of the Bridg'd, because it comes with 5 different Airflow inserts, from MTL to DL (air holes: 1.0mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm and 3.5mm). These are easy to replace, you do not even have to remove the unit from the Boro tank. The Wick'd Bridg'd inserts are simply screwed into the air duct from below.
The fact that the makers behind Wick'd are not stingy with the scope of delivery is already known from earlier products. Also this time they have added some accessories to the Bridg'd. For example the integral stainless steel drip tip and the fire button with the engraved panda head. Also included is a 510 adapter to anneal the winding on the battery holder or ohmmeter and a multitool.
The Wick'd Bridg'd is an interesting bridge for the Billet Box, which can please both the MTL steamer and the Cloud Chaser.