The Corona V6 DL from Vaporpipes is the successor of the popular Corona V8 evaporator. In the new Corona V6, the evaporator has not been completely redesigned, but has been improved in some details. Like its predecessor, the evaporator is a topcoil RTA, i.e. the tank is located in the lower part and the winding in the upper part. As with the Corona V8, the liquid supply is ensured by stainless steel wicks. The tank of the Corona V6 steampipe holds a proud 6ml. Steampipes has given the Corona V6 an attractive tank shield.
One of the improvements can be found in the filling hole: this has now been enlarged so that it can be filled without any problems even with the popular Chubby Gorilla bottles. If you take off the top, you will see another new feature: the tank tapers towards the deck. The deck itself is kept in the so-called Velocity Style like its predecessor and allows the use of single as well as dual coils. If you want to use the Corona V6 DL with single coil, you can use the Corona V8's plugs to close the wick holes.
The airflow can be adjusted continuously by turning the Top Cap. Also new is the Drip Tip of the Corona V6 DL. It looks like a Wide Bore 810 Drip Tip, but in reality it is a Wide Bore 510 Drip Tip. As the MTL Top Cap of the Corona V8 can also be used with the Corona V6, the Corona V6 can not only be used as a DL RTA, but also as an MTL RTA.